Friday, June 30, 2017


Evan and I dropped Liam off at Village Park for his High School shuttle bus to summer school and on our way out of the park, we saw this giant snapping turtle trying to cross the road.  The road that was very busy with shuttle buses and a lot of cars.  I couldn't find any big sticks, so instead I found myself standing in the middle of the road (giant pregnant lady is hard to miss) redirecting traffic around this ornery turtle... ugh.  He eventually made it across the road safely :)

Monday, June 26, 2017

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Back in 2015 we took a hike with grandma and grandpa at northern kettle moraine state park. The boys collected some acorns on the hike which the grandparents planted for us in pots at their house. Fast forward to today and we transplanted two of the trees into our yard.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Robin's Nest!

Field Trip!

I was lucky enough to go on another field trip (on a wednesday!) with Liam's class today.  We took a riverboat tour in downtown Milwaukee, had a picnic lunch by the lake and got to explore by the marina!  So much fun and love getting to see Liam with his friends!

Birds, Snakes and a Walk to the Lake

We took advantage of the beautiful weather last Sunday and had a picnic lunch at the Audubon Center.  We got to see two birds up close, the boys LOVED holding and interacting with a corn snake and a rose boa constrictor and then we walked down by the lake for awhile!  Ahhh... beautiful weather!
