Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Couple of firsts Jon and I have been noting this week....
  • From a sit Liam lunged to all fours and held it or a bit
  • Pushes his fire truck back and forth, making it 'go'
  • Clapped his hands together
  • Likes playing patty-cake (when you get his hands. He is not actively clapping other hands yet)
  • So many new sounds, of note: da, di, do, new
  • Putting sounds together: dadada, dididi, etc.
  • Started some solids including a rice cracker, sweet potota chunks, and regular potato chunks (can pick them up... do not make it to the mouth though, which is funny because everything else goes to the mouth!)
  • Likes playing the "keep away" game with his paci (mommy puts it in her mouth and Liam grabs for it, but mommy moves! Usually accompanied by many laughs and smiles!)
  • Has now had motrin (not as fun, but still a first!)
  • Has had two antibiotics (again... not fun, but necessary)
  • Throws more and more temper tantrums when you take away or don't let him have something he wants :)

Growing boy!

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