Tuesday, May 27, 2014

One Year Old

I can say without a doubt that you can tell how things are going by how current the blog is... well, the last month has been busy!  So, here is Evan's one year old post on his thirteen month old birthday!

Evan's birthday came and went with a small celebration due to sickness on his end.  Over the last few weeks our Evan has just astounded us with all his changes!  Here are a few:
  • Eating, eating, eating.  Seriously, you cannot feed this kid enough.  Speaking of here were his one year old stats:
    • Weight: 24 lbs 13.5 oz (93rd %ile)
    • Height 30.5 inches (78th %ile)
    • Head: 48 cm (93rd %ile)
  • Now on whole milk, which he loves and transitioned well onto.  He still drinks three bottles a day (morning nap, afternoon nap and evening).  He takes milk in a cup during meals and snacks.  Around his first birthday he contracted hand, foot, mouth disease, which caused him to not want to nurse.  Four/five days of refusing to nurse led to weaning pretty quickly.  I was ready to wean from the daytime feeds, but it was harder to give up those early morning/bedtime feedings.  Regardless, we are done nursing and Evan is a milk drinking boy!
  • WALKING!  Around his first birthday he was still clinging to furniture or thinking he needed your finger to walk more than a step or two.  Now, he is everywhere all on his own.  About mid month he learned to stand up from the ground and now he is on the run everywhere.  He is very proud of himself and loves flashing his big smile after he does something cool!
  • He is signing 'more', 'eat', 'paci', and 'all done'.  He combines 'more' and 'eat' all the time! There were times when he was saying mama and dada, but those words have fallen off now.  He saw 'ish' for several different things right now, but really I think he is pretty focused on his motor movements at the moment.  
  • His receptive language has blossomed!  He follows one-step directions very well.  He loves putting his dirty diapers in the diaper genie and dirty kleenex in the garbage.  He can go and get a toy or his shoes when he is asked.  Again, he is just so proud of himself, which of course we are as well!
  • Evan has attitude.  He is independent.  He knows exactly what it is that he wants and is not afraid to tell you about it.  He commonly will plop down with giant tears and screams and either bang his head on the floor or purposely fall backwards in protest.  He will just layout crying.  He doesn't want snuggles... he just wants you to know he didn't like what you did.  We of course snuggle him anyway, but boy oh boy does he give us all a run for our money
  • Evan naps at home twice still for 3-4 total hours.  He naps once at daycare for 40 minutes.  Yeah, he is cranky every tuesday, wednesday and thursday.  Night sleep has gotten drastically better this month.  He goes down between 6:30/7 and sleeps until 5/6 in the morning.  He does cry out, but almost always puts himself back down.
  • Some of his favorites: corn, raspberries, CHEESE, anything Liam or Mommy or Daddy is eating :)  He likes to pick out books and come sit in your lap to 'read' them.  He isn't listening to whole books yet, but he is turning pages.  He likes ones with noisy buttons or touchy-feely books.  He loves playing dinos with brother, driving his walker toys around, playing with his house or kitchen toys and destroying towers!
Never a dull moment with our two boys, but boy oh boy do we love them!

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