Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ahh... the honeymoon is over

A bit of the real Liam showed himself at daycare. Apparently my angelic child decided he didn't want to sleep for his morning nap at daycare. Here's how pickup went:

me: "I see Liam didn't want to go down for his nap"
teacher: (think innocent voice here) "Yeah, I just don't understand. You could see he was so tired, but he just wouldn't go to sleep. I don't understand why he wouldn't just fall asleep if he was tired. We tried everything we could think of. Finally he just fell asleep.
me: "Yeah he does that"
teacher: "what should we do to help him fall asleep next time?"
me: "if I only knew..."

Liam did sleep his normal 40 minute nap... after protesting for about an hour and half. Good to see some things don't change! Other than that, Liam had a good half day at daycare! Tomorrow is all day. Wish mommy luck and Liam sleepiness :)

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