I remeber sleep or maybe that is just a halucination from lack of sleep! :)
Jon did jinx it a bit... not a terrible night, not a great night... we will see what Liam has in store for us tonight!
I did take Liam to the doctor today. He weighs 18lbs. 10 ounces, which is slowing down, but still well within the normal ranges of growth.
Talked with his pediatrician regarding the on-going hives, constipation, poor sleep, and reflux. No concrete answers, but we are pursuing several different avenues at this point.
We are going to split his medicine (1/2 in the morning; 1/2 in the evening to see if that will maybe make any difference)
We are going to get allergy testing (ick... blood draw) done to see if there are any allergies causing the hives and possible other symptoms (poor sleeping, slow digestion, etc.). This will tell us for sure if Liam has a dairy protein allergy as well as let us know if there are any other allergens he may be reacting to...
We are going to keep a log of food/sleep/poo to see if there are any correlations. Does he sleep better after poo... no difference? Same with food, etc., etc.
Once we get the test results, try the medication split and see if we can find some sort of connection between everything... we will go from there. We may be in store for a formula trial run or a trip to a GI specialist...
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