Friday, June 28, 2013

Two Months Old!

Evan is two months old already!  We were at the doctor on wednesday and here are his current stats!

Weight: 14 lbs, 2.5 ounces (87th %ile)
Height: 23.25 inches (63rd %ile)
Head: 39.9 cm (74th %ile)

Overall he is doing quite well.  Gaining weight and his reflux is under control for today.  His weight does mean he can get an increase in both meds if needed, but as of right now he doesn't seem to need it.  We discussed his allergies and the pediatrician would really like to see several weeks of time go by without any reactions before we try to add foods back in to my diet.  So, we are waiting until he is three months old before trying to reintroduce soy or hidden dairy.  I take a deep breath as I say this because by far the hardest thing about the past 6 weeks has been the allergies.  Maybe it is because we have done the reflux thing before and are just more comfortable with it... I don't know.

Here are the highlights of our two-month old Evan:
  • Smiles, smiles, smiles... he loves to smile and we love to see it!  Usually you can get a smile out of him if his tummy if full, talking to him (agoo is a fav!), playing peek-a-boo, making funny lip noises and kisses to his cheek. 
  • He loves watching everything... and I mean everything!  The quickest way to make him mad at you is to put him facing in on your shoulder!  He loves facing out and walking or facing out and watching things.  
  • Evan loves his big brother.  He is always craning his neck to watch what Liam is doing and smiles when liam gives him kisses...even the slimy ones!
  • Evan is a mover.  He is always kicking his legs and waving his arms.  Doesn't really sit still for long!
  • Evan is a talker... oh my.  He is already carrying on conversations in his cooing language.  He is also a HUGE grunter when he is trying to fall asleep and during his sleep.  This was the biggest reason for moving him to his own room several weeks ago!
  • He is sleeping in his 'rock and play', which allows him to be reclined rather than flat.  He sleeps there for a nap or two and the whole night.  Night sleeping on a good night includes a 5-6 hour stretch from feeding to feeding followed by a 3-4 hour stretch.  I will take as many good nights as I can get.  Most nights are pretty good, with a couple off nights thrown in every week where he is hard to get down, restless when down, and up for feedings every 2-3 hours.  Naps... well nothing really consistent at this time.  On an ideal day, he wakes up, feeds, plays and is going down for a nap about an hour later... this doesn't happen very consistently though.  Often times he falls asleep only to wake up a 20 minutes later... mad and upset.  We keep trying for a schedule, but honestly with a three year old... we are doing stuff all morning and I don't see that changing... so we go with the flow and change everyday!
  • Evan likes to sit and play rather than lay.  He is really loving kicking in his bouncer and watching the elephant and zebra dance on his toy bar.  Liam picked out a new owl toy for him that he really likes.  He is still mesmerized by black and white patterns and faces!
  • We are growing into size 2 diapers and filling out 0-3 clothes quite well.  
  • Evan likes outside most days... it calms him!  
  • He is a good car rider... sleeping or watching most of the time when he is in the car! 

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